Monday, June 2, 2014

On the road again

Well, it's been over a week since I rolled in from Italy all grimy. Much has happened. Most notably I turned 50. Not surprisingly, the world did not end. And a very good thing it was, since the day was really nice. We started the day with a family breakfast, which included a carrot cake with - yep - 50 candles.

In the afternoon, friends arrived from Lichtenfels, where I grew up. We had coffee and a Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. Rather monumental and very good. For the party in the evening, we had 15 people, which is a good size. There were songs, poems, toasts with champagne, a very nice meal catered from Landhaus Feckl, which sports a Michelin star. Among a few other choice tidbits were beef cheeks braised in Barolo. Definitely a highlight.

If I must, it was a great way to turn 50 and I'm really thankful for my family throwing it for me and for all the friends and family to turn up and make it a party.

My friends from Lichtenfels stayed for the weekend and we toured the country side a bit, looking for beer gardens in Tübingen.

The rest of the week was spent recovering and preparing for the next party. My sister Judith and her husband Eddie bought a house very recently, so it was time to give it a proper break in and have the house warming party. While we were at it, we also celebrated Eddie's 40th, my 50th, George Lucas' 70th and William Shakespeare's 450th birthday, because - why not... Once again, there was much merry making and a rough day after. Fun was had!

So, it's time to go, I'm getting itchy staying in one place. Next up is a Tour de Germany. Starting tomorrow, I'll be driving east from here to Lichtenfels. Then north to see Leipzig, Dresden, Berlin. A bit further east to Poland (because it's there); and then start heading west through the Baltic and then North Sea areas of Germany. Back in Grafenau on the 12th for a day of R&R before heading to Helsinki.

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