Monday, April 21, 2014

T minus ten

I made the decision to really do this around Christmas, and 4 months seemed like quite a while away. A third of a year after all. People have been asking me for quite a while if I was counting the days, and really, I wasn't. I was comfortably aware that the departure date was getting closer, but not really wishing that it would hurry up and get here.

Well, it's here, and I'm counting, and I have pre-trip jitters.

Time to put the final touches on. I reserved the first bike today. I may have mentioned that I bought the Triumph Tiger here, so that I could get used to it before riding it in Europe. Weeeellll, I'm renting a BMW R1200GS for the first leg.

Rode one one Saturday and it felt pretty good, though I do like my Tiger better. I'll have 4 days in Germany before setting off to Italy to get used to it. The BMW simply was the significantly better deal for the first 3 weeks. More included mileage and cheaper to boot. Seems to be a small outfit that rents bikes that aren't brand new, but are well maintained. I'll get a Tiger for the second run into Italy. Really, I had to get a BMW at some point, there was just no other option!

I'm starting to focus on the first stage of the trip. Fixing some dates of when I want to be where, reading up on riding through the Dolomites.

Stage 1 itinerary -

May 9-11 Valdobiadenne
May 11-13 Pula, Croatia
May 14-18 Ride Alpine and Dolomite passes
May 18 Brescia - that's where the Mille Miglia starts and finishes -  - May wind up trading the bike for an old Alfa.
May 20 Modena - check out the Giro stage Modena to Salsomaggiore. This would made Tom insanely jealous and is thus is worth almost any detour :)
May 21 or 22 arrive back in Grafenau

I really should go do a packing dry run. Not tonight though, too tired. Managed to not fall asleep until 3:30 last night. Too many trip details buzzing around my brain...

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