Monday, June 23, 2014

Finland epilogue - June 18,19

I left my traveling party behind, slowly working my way back south to warmer weather. Hopefully the solstice provided sunny weather, which was sadly missing in the days prior. In addition to our lofty lunch, I spent some time wandering around east and west Helsinki, getting a feel for the town.

Thursday, we indulged in some culture and listened to a short concert of Sibelius, in the Helsinki music centre.

This was followed by a boat trip out to the Suomenlinna sea fortress, which was pretty neat.  Also a Unesco World Heritage site.

By Thursday night the city started shutting down for the midsummer holiday. Everyone clears out and treks up to the cottages. Nonetheless, we managed to find a couple of open bars, which didn't kick us out until 2am. Another memorable meal in between pubs kept the energy levels up.

Helsinki is a nice city and the people a very friendly. Everyone speaks English, which is very handy because Finnish is fiendishly difficult and alien. Even trying to remember a few words is tough. It's very clean and safe. Basically no police presence and even the drunks behave themselves. The white nights were very cool. I feel a trip way up north is warranted to get the effect even more. That and maybe Lapland in winter.
A good time was had. Kiitos, Suomi.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got there. We've been toying with the idea of a trip to Iceland and maybe Finland again...
