Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Lunch - July 2

Wait, didn't we just go through that? Well yes, there's another lunch, birthday lunch, writ large. Tom and Pauline treated me to an amazing meal, commemorating my half century. Off we went to to Modena which is not all that picturesque, but in the end that's not why we went. There's a little place called Osteria Francesca. It managed to land itself on the number three spot of the world's best restaurants list, sports three Michelin stars and is according to some, the best restaurant in Italy. While I would love to do a thorough comparison, I'm not inclined to disagree at this point.

We walzed in off the street and Tom did his best to convince them that we needed to have lunch today and that we did in fact know what we were in for. While waiting to see if there was a table available - or perhaps while they figured out if we measured up, a young couple showed up, looking a bit disheveled, questioning whether their email reservation had been received and generally being out of sorts. The maitre d' took one look at them, and said without breaking stride "we're full" and kept walking. (no soup for you!). One of the waiters helpfully pointed out an alternative sister restaurant. We proceeded to sit next to an empty table for the duration of our lunch...
I must interject and point out that, as I'm writing this, were consuming some lovely agnolotti procured in Mantova along with some Alto Adige red. All is right with the world.
Due to Tom's interest, the head waiter prepared a wine matching for our courses, which was very nice indeed. Pauline, being vegetarian and our driver, received some special treatment, having a out-of-this-world herbal cocktail prepared with fresh, organic herbs grown by the sea, and getting a special amuse bouche. 

The meal was fantastic. No question about it. We had mixed salume, including culatello and a totally awesome coppa ham. 

The fish course was eel for myself and red mullet for Tom, while Pauline had a cauliflower terrine.

The main courses were squid ink risotto with caviar for Pauline, tagliatell with ragu Bolognese (hand chopped and cooked sous vide) for Tom and veal risotto with sweetbreads for myself.

Desert was called "Come to Italy with me". It was an improbable composition of elements from all over Italy. Sweet mozzarella foam with shaved ricotta, bergamot, olives, pistachios, tomatoes, mint... Just outrageous.

This was served after an intermezzo of almond granita with capers and bergamot. Mindblowing.

Naturally, petit four were served, including nougat with peanut chips (think way upscale peanut butter cups) and a liquid truffle, of which I shall dream...

Turning 50 doesn't suck entirely :)

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