Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ampezzo - May 14

What a brutal day. I set off from Udine towards Slovenia since I had mapped out a ride through the Carnic Alps. I crossed the border at some goat herders crossing. Now it's all open anyway, but in the past it was a crossing likely only used by locals. I rode towards Nova Gorica and then turned north towards Kobarid. I'm basically finding way points in biking tour books and then letting the GPS/navi find a route using the curvy route function. I rode up some small (well I thought it was small at that point) mountain road, which had some fairly spectacular vistas. My first taste of the mountains.

All was well until I had crossed back into Italy. I was cruising through a nice flowing forest roadwhen the   GPS informed it had found a better route. Sure, why not. Then it told me to turn around. I thought no way, go recalculate - well it won. After 5 km of nagging, I turned around. Went back to turn onto the upper path. Oh boy. This had barely been opened (the road closed signs were still leaning there). I wound up going 12 km on a road that barely fit a car, had crap all over it and was so windy that I never made it out of first and in fact had to feather the clutch so often that my clutch hand started to cramp up. Half an hour later I stopped to see if I could resurrect  my left hand. At least I made it - guess again - the descent was almost as nasty. After that episode things went well for quite a while and I was on some great rads through alpine valleys, except I was getting pretty tired. I didn't have a lot to eat and hat goat road had zapped quite a bit of energy.

Well, I was a half hour from Ampezzo when it again told me to turn off  on to a goat road - this time it actually was closed. Crap. At this point I found out there was a reroute/road closed function. Great, get me there quick. Sure, first back up 20 km, then take the long way around the mountain - 1h to go. By now, I was beat. It was getting pretty hard to focus and those switchbacks were getting tough. Well, no choice, rally and go. I finally make it to my hotel. It's closed. Shuttered, empty, not a soul around. In the immortal words of Johnny McEnrore - You CANNOT be serious! I'm starting to get delirious now. I ride into town in search of a room. Everyone's booked. No wait, the guy at the pizzeria down the road rents a room. Off I go to 'El Greco'. Ja, wir haben ein Zimmer frei. 30 Euros. Awesome. Thank the Universe! He probably made the worst pizza in Italy - all the toppings were canned, but it was great. The beer was good too. I ate, went to my room and passed out for 10 or 11 hours. The place did have a great view -

Nova Gorcia: N 45.69, E 13.65
Kobarid: N 46.2462, E 13.5798
Ampezzo: N 46.41, E 12.79


  1. Diane and I have been on those kind of roads in a car and even with all that metal around us, it's harrowing. I can't imagine it on a bike. Good on you for living through it -- mentally and physically!

    1. Just checked the video. Came out good and looks scary!
      On some of these roads I'm not sure the metal would do much. At least on the bike,if you fly off, you get to enjoy a bit of free flight :)

  2. Wow. Great photo's and glad that you found a place to sleep that night.
