Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bag o' Passes

If that's not all, it's certainly all the major ones. It's a satisfyingly long list. The numbers are elevation above sea level in meters. The delta from where the pass roads began varied wildly. All had different personalities. Some were scary, some were epic, some were tight, some were fast. Some had smooth roads, some rough, some wide, some (very) narrow. Many dozens of tunnels & galleries, lit, unlit, hand carved, smooth, cobble-stoned, dripping, short, long (8km). Thousands of curves, hundreds of switchbacks. All were great. Luckily none were gravel.

Fernpass 1215 3x both ways
Brenner 1374
Reschenpass 1510
Hahntennjoch 1894

Grödnerjoch 2121 2x
Sellajoch 2244 2x both ways
Campolungo 1875 2x
Pordoijoch 2239
Falzaregopass 2105
Fedaiapass 2056

Switzerland and Lombardy:
Passo Agueglio 1241
Splügenpass 2113
Ofenpass 2149
Julierpass 2284

Passo Duran 1601
Passo di San Boldo 706

Jaufenpass 2099
Timmelsjoch 2509
Passo Stelvio 2758
Gaviapass 2621

Passo Tonale 1883

Lago di Garda:
Passo Canalette 1617
Passo San Rocco 1020

Not actual passes:
Monte Zoncolan 1730
Kaunergletscher 2750
Monte Bodone 1570
Martelltal end 2051

1 comment:

  1. Not quite sure why, but I teared up reading this. I've loved each and every installment; I love the way you tell your story. Safe travels, pal. xxxV
