Monday, July 21, 2014

Tears in Rain - July 21

To borrow from Rutger Hauer's soliloquy in Blade Runner -

I've done things and seen places I never imagined. I saw the sunset on the Baltic Sea and over the forests in Porvoo. I saw the majestic tops of the Dolomites, the green valleys in northern Italy and the flatlands of northern Germany. I shared meals with old and new friends in familiar and strange places - some amazing, some mundane, some familiar. I experienced highs and lows on the road, fear and elation, adrenaline highs and some boredom. I saw great cities, and beautiful landscapes. I met friends I haven't seen in years. I got to spend time with my family. Some day, my memories of all that, as Roy says, will be gone, like tears in rain. Until then, I'll enjoy reminiscing, telling stories, reliving the journey, and in due time setting off for new adventures.

But for now, it's time to go.

1 comment:

  1. And we've loved being on this journey with you. Safe home my good friend.
